Human beings have this constant need for comfort. Comfort can’t be achieved while compromising on a few aspects. It is the idea of having a space that fulfils your requirements as a human being and makes you feel at peace. Hence it becomes extremely important in architecture to consider human comfort as the top priority. To create and visualize a space for a human being that can be achieved through visual aesthetics or how a certain place makes you feel.

Human-centric design has become something that has been taking the tech world by force. Creating spaces for people from almost all walks of life has become necessary as it creates an unforgettable space and makes the user comfortable even in an unknown space.

Appealing visuals and sensory experiences are some of the aspects to start with a human-centric design.

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Human-centric design_©

Inclusivity In Design

Every user is unique in their self and has different needs and wants for a particular space. Inclusive design includes various design strategies that efficiently create space for different users with different abilities and needs. It helps cater to every user and does not restrict itself to human beings. A lot of spaces in recent times have been created to appeal to different species and give them space as well.

Inclusive design also consists of barrier-free design wherein special arrangements are made for people who require more assistance. It helps create a much more inviting space for all and can be accessible to people who have different needs and wants.

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Accessible space for all_©

On the other hand, inclusive design can also give rise to gender-neutral bathrooms for instance that make every user feel a part of the community.

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Gender-neutral bathrooms_©

Biophilic Design

What is that one thing that pops up in your mind when you think of a space that is soothing to the eye and also makes you feel the most at peace? Of course, Nature. A human being’s first home and a space that is soothing giving you instant comfort. Nature has been known to create an unforgettable space that can make you feel at home. It is known to be efficient in the healing journeys of people and is used almost everywhere. notice how each time you go somewhere that has even a tiny hint of nature you instantly feel better and much more secure of the space. In human centric design biophilic components play a huge role to shape a space that is accessible and familiar to all. Being put in an unknown space can often perplex a user and make them feel lost. Having a familiar component can instantly make you feel much more secure in the space.

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Biophilia incorporated at a hospital in Singapore_©

Nature also tends to form a strong bond between a user and their well-being. It helps enhance productivity and creativity and helps refresh your mood.

Social Spaces

Interactive and social space by far are the most important things to come up when a space is created. It usually comes up in the most organic way possible or if the architect had specially curated such spaces. We humans are social animals and we need a constant buzz around us to feel more secure of our belonging. Interactive social spaces often help humans to form bonds and also are a great way to distress. Leisure and recreational spots are often the Crux of such spaces which also gives users some time for themselves.

Community interactions are a great way to make a user feel comfortable and also gives them a space where they feel themselves.

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Community spaces for all age groups_©

Psychology of Spaces

One of the most interesting aspects to create a human centric design is how you could play with the psychological aspects of architecture. A lot of different spaces define and determine our mood. Colours, forms, and various shapes instigate different emotions and help determine how you feel in a particular space. 

For instance, light colors induce a calming and soothing feeling in the user and can help you destress. Hospitals often use this principle of using light colors to help with the patient recovery process and make it much quicker. While red signifies danger and is often used on sign boards to warn people from a distance.

Different kinds of furniture also play a huge role in determining a user’s comfort level and hence seating at leisure spaces is made quite comfortable to cater to everyone.

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Organic architecture of often comfortable to the eye,_©

Human-centric design has become the need of the hour since the world is getting tech-driven. Creating comfortable and nourishing spaces will also increase the productivity among people and make them instantly aware of their surroundings. It has become a huge aspect in sectors like healthcare wherein higher recovery rates were reported. Such nooks and corners thus help a human being to feel at home away from home.


An aspiring Architecture student.