In the vast majority of the world, journalism is a long-standing profession that is widely accepted in society. The emergence of social media over the past ten years has had a significant impact on how news is reported and consumed by all parties in the journalism industry. Traditional journalists have developed a role in this development, using social media as a means of both distributing and promoting their work. 

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The power of journalism has expanded outside of traditional newsrooms in the digital age. The news landscape is changing as a result of citizen journalism, which is being driven by regular people equipped with smartphones and social media platforms. The emergence of citizen journalism and an examination of its implications, advantages, and difficulties. Discover the influence of citizen voices on shaping public discourse in this new era of news reporting.

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Purpose of Journalism in Community

Reporting on topics that interest a small group of people but would not otherwise be covered by a news organization is one of the main goals of these organizations. It’s unlikely that this news would reach the editor’s desk if the neighbourhood high school won the county championship for the first time. Small-town newspapers are aware that their audience is interested in reading articles about the story as it affects their lives. The goal of community journalism is to “address gaps in the mainstream media, providing increased diversity, greater depth, and context to reporting in any particular area,” according to this statement. These organizations provide news on important local issues, and because of this, locals may view them as significant cultural institutions.

Local and regional newspapers enjoy a long history of success, have a strong sense of brand loyalty and recognition, attract sizable readerships, and have a significant impact on the communities they cover.

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Community Journalism vs Citizen Journalism vs Civic Journalism 

Community journalism is the practice of journalists covering news that is pertinent to and interesting to a specific community, frequently one that is geographically local. They do not, however, always determine what the important issue is for the community.

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Public journalism (also referred to as citizen journalism) and community journalism are frequently confused terms. Citizen journalism is a form of media in which the general public gathers, reports, and disseminates news. Community journalism, in contrast, relies on traditional journalistic principles to gather and disseminate news by professional reporters. The lack of professionalism in news gathering and editing is a common criticism of citizen journalism.

Civic journalism disseminates information to engage the public and spark discussion. The goal of civic journalism is to involve the print and broadcast media in the democratic process of social change. Thus, the topics covered by civic journalism must have political significance.

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Citizen Journalism across Media

The most well-liked outlet for journalists today is broadcast media, which is pervasive in modern society. Interactive users, important news organizations, and citizen journalists showcase their work through moving images on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. This increases their engagement and audience and demonstrates how new technological advancements have a positive impact on and expand the current journalism industry. The use of new technology during the pandemic significantly benefited journalism.

The ability to spread the news in nations with little access to mainstream media is one benefit of citizen journalism. To support contemporary uses of digital technology, this also applies to tiny towns and villages with weak economies. For the dissemination of information, citizen journalism is heavily relied upon. Due to the diverse range of audiences, citizen journalism has thrived in the digital ethos and provides a sizable amount of space for marginalized groups.

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Citizen journalists involve the active news gathering of everyday citizens, which encourages power to the people and diverts the public’s attention away from authority. Citizen journalists are a result of democracy, freedom of speech, and the ongoing, diverse empowerment movements created by social media. It promotes responsibility, highlights corruption, records instances of power abuse, provides opposing viewpoints, and covers global news.

The Impact of Citizen Journalism

The concept of social media dumbing down modern news has grown as a result of citizen journalism’s extensive component of diverse, niche news stories and entertainment articles. This is a result of its blog-like writing style and generic, almost carelessly suggestive writing techniques that have been adjusted for and for the people. By creating content that fits these niches, citizen journalism has helped social media algorithms in this regard.

Traditional journalists’ diversity and market share have been impacted by citizen journalism, but their professionalism and, consequently, their credibility with the public have not been impacted. The public can tell traditional journalism from citizen journalism and values one more for entertainment and the other for providing accurate, sincere news coverage.

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The Pros & Cons 

To locate, establish, and successfully moderate a community, a lot of resources are needed. It’s essential to be open, curious, and eager to interact with others. Working together as a team and allotting more time for your stories will be necessary for the community bond to develop slowly and steadily. 

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By providing content on the channels that people are looking for, community-driven journalism re-connects journalists with the actual people in the audience rather than focusing on important data metrics. This increases the long-term viability of journalism. Journalism that is supported by a community ensures a range of viewpoints, promotes democratic participation, and, in the end, increases journalism’s transparency.

There needs to be more education and orientation in citizen journalism regarding ethical standards and journalistic practices. The majority of their work is written in the first person, and they are not legally recognized. They are regarded as democratic and a freelance writer who frequently covers newsworthy topics.

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In the digital age, citizen journalism has become a potent force, amplifying diverse voices and giving news reporting new angles. Citizen journalism improves transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in the news landscape by enabling individuals to participate in public discourse. A more involved and informed society will be shaped by this era of abundant information, acknowledging the value of citizen voices, and fostering responsible journalism practices.


AuthorCian MurrayCian Murray is an experienced writer and editor et al. (2023) What is community journalism?, Become a Writer Today. Available at: (Accessed: 20 August 2023). 

US, T.H. (2023) The rise of citizen journalism: Empowering voices in the Digital age, Medium. Available at: (Accessed: 20 August 2023). 

(No date) The impact of citizen journalism across media platforms – linkedin. Available at: (Accessed: 19 August 2023). 

(No date a) Centre for Media Transition – Australian Competition and consumer … Available at: (Accessed: 19 August 2023). 

Journalism in the Digital age (no date) Journalism In The Digital Age – 1073 Words | Internet Public Library. Available at: (Accessed: 20 August 2023). 


Aishwary is a talented and ambitious student with a knack for writing captivating articles. He committed to developing architecture that enhances the built environment and improves people's lives. With a natural curiosity and a dedication to continuous learning, he is eager to contribute valuable insights and fresh perspectives through his writing.