Throughout history, the city has caused us to search for a new space and discuss how ideal physical space and urban plan should be with the changes and developments. Thomas More‘s Utopia, which focused on designing the Ideal physical space, has a pioneer in society’s search for meaning in the physical space. This situation also causes society’s desire to reach good living opportunities. Thus each community has played an active role in the planning of a utopian city plan.

In pre-modern, it is clear that the physical environment is dominant in a utopian city plan. But, with industrialization, this situation has left its place to the Utopian city plan active in both the physical environment and social life developments. Thus, the Utopian city plan has constantly changed with social, economic, environmental problems, and scientific developments. By industrialization, the utopia city plan has been affected by urban issues, increasing environmental issues, wars, and natural disasters. For this reason, the utopia city plan designed today necessitates an environmentally friendly city plan with the scientific and technological developments of the future.

In this context, the Ecotopia 2121 project has produced an analysis sheet that reflects the knowledge of the 22nd century. This project, which includes the plans of 100 different cities selected from all over the world and aims to create a vision for environmentally friendly cities of the future, explores the issues of known cities such as London, New York, and Paris. Therewithal this project also investigates the city you have not heard like Timbuktu, Xanadu, and Shangri La

Here are the ten examples of The Ecotopia 2121 project that predicts the future of 100 cities worldwide.

1. China: Super-Eco Mega City | Ecotopia

For many decades, the central government in China has attempted to control the urban population. Because this situation is associated with many issues in society, for example, land and water scarcity, overcrowding, air and water pollution, etc. Therefore, urban planners in China think that the utopia city plan should focus on a human-density city plan which contains a compact city plan and sustainable advanced transportation technology.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet1
The general view of Shanghai in 2121_©Dr.Alan Marshall

2. Abu Dhabi: Green Utopia 

Abu Dhabi known as a car-dependent city presents a new socio-architectural environment that includes one or two-story residents that occurred by walking path to break adverse effects of cars on society.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet2
The general view of Abu Dhabi in 2121_©Dr.Alan Marshall

3. London: Super-Green Future

Urban planners in London imagine green-based plans that are named super green eco-village. Therefore, these plans involve a reconstruction of the outer walls of the Tower of London.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet3
The general view of London in 2121_©Dr.Alan Marshall

4. Greenville: The Sunflower Home

Greenville is home to the rarest and most endangered sunflower in the world. Therefore, the utopia city plan includes an easy, cheap, and self-sufficient system called the sunflower home. Therewithal, the sunflower home is paneled with a solar array to provide for all energy needs, and water is collected from the Roof and channeled to holding tanks in the walls.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet4
The general view of Greenville in 2121_©Dr.Alan Marshall

5. Accra: Rising Above The Flood | Ecotopia

Accra, which is the capital of Ghana, is gradually exposed to the adverse effects of floods. Because people, who live in Accra, settled on a flood line. Low-cost pre-fab tree cabins to be built owing to this situation.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet5
The general view of Accra in 2121_©Dr.Alan Marshall

6. Mumbai: Itopia in the 22nd century

Mumbai, is the largest city in India, is a city of contrasts with its stunning towers and slums. The utopia city plan in Mumbai shows that quickly developing cities of the future that to be built based on information technology. Therefore, the project is named Itopia that includes Smart Systems.

Scenarios for Future Space: The Ecotopia 2121 - Sheet6
The general view of Mumbai in 2121_© Dr.Alan Marshall

7. Tokyo: Utopia of the Isolated Nuclear Family

In 2011, the Fukushima nuclear crisis in Japan led to a project involving the construction of radiation-proof houses. These houses, which produce freshwater, recycle waste, and allow growing food crops, are also temporary emergency shelters.

The general view of Tokyo in 2121_© Dr.Alan Marshall

8. Madrid: Sustaniable Future | Ecotopia 

The utopia city plan in Madrid originates from overdevelopment which Madrid becomes a metropolitan city. Therefore, urban planners in Madrid find two solutions.

  • 1. Defining limit the use of concrete.
  • 2. Devolving more political power to other cities in these regions.
The general view of Madrid in 2121_© Dr.Alan Marshall

9. Panama City: Forest City of the Future 

The utopia city plan in Panama City has adopted the theme of escape to nature as a principle. This situation, which is also very common in architecture, causes Panama City to construct its new ecosystem through forests. The utopia city plan expects to find a solution to the air and water pollution problem in Panama City.

The general view of Panama City in 2121_© Dr.Alan Marshall

10. Palo Alto: City of the Posthuman Cyber-Zombies | Ecotopia

The city utopia plan in Palo Alto, located in Silicon Valley, is full of mass-produced avatars in streets. Avatars that transforming thoughts and experiences into digital form are bio-machines that can live forever.

The general view of Palo Alto in 2121_© Dr.Alan Marshal


In conclusion, These are ten scenarios of the 100 projects designed within the Ecotopia 2121 project. Every project is given above shows that we have hopes and expectations that the issues in the world today can be solved in the future. Therefore, we must continue to produce alternative utopia scenarios. 

Reference List 

  1. Books

Marshall, A. (2016). Ecotopia 2121 : a vision for our future green utopia-in 100 cities. New York: Arcade Publishing

  1. Online sources

Marshall, A. (2016). The Ecotopia 2121 Project – super-ecofriendly cities of the future. [online] eecotopia2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

  1. Images

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Shanghai in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Abu Dhabi in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of London in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Greenville in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Accra in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Mumbai in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Tokyo in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Madrid in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Panama City in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].

Marshall, A. (2016). The general view of Palo Alto in 2121. Ecotopia 2121. Available at: [Accessed 21 Jul. 2021].