No one likes having to spend three or even four figures of your hard earned money to repair plumbing issues. Burst pipes, clogged drains, running faucets, and ruined appliances can waste water, money, and time, and can also cause damage to your home and inconvenience to your life. However, there are ways to prevent this from happening.

If you know how to look for the signs that something is about to go wrong in your plumbing, then you can fix a small problem with a trip to the hardware store and some elbow grease, and thankfully most big plumbing problems forecast themselves.

Here are some of the common signs to look out for!

Pooling Water And Drips

Often the biggest indicator that something is wrong is that there is pooled water or standing water somewhere inside of your apartment. Either that or a faucet is dripping and won’t stop. When this happens you need to take a look at your pipes, because often the problem is a loose connection.

If you notice that your drywall is wet or the paint and wallpaper on your walls are starting to bubble and bulge, that can be a sign that water is leaking from behind the drywall and soaking into it as well, also signaling that you have a leak.

Often you can find the source of the leak with very little effort and can fix the leak with basic tools. Then wait a few days and see if any more water pops up or if the affected appliances continue to give you trouble.

A Musty Water Smell

Often, your eyes aren’t the first sense that detects a plumbing leak, but it is your nose that knows there’s a problem. When water gathers and becomes stagnant for a long period of time, it starts to really smell musty due to the growth of mold. While you might see black splotches of mold on the walls, often the mold is growing inside where you can’t see it, but that doesn’t make it any less dangerous.

Mold can cause all sorts of health problems for you and your family, and the best thing that you can do when you smell a musty water smell or see any other signs of mold is to call on plumbing professionals in Kansas City. They will be able to make sure that the mold is properly cleaned and will also be able to fix the leaks causing the mold!

A Dripping Sound

Probably the best identifier of all (as well as the one that will likely drive you the most crazy) is a constant dripping sound coming either from the faucets or the pipes. If you notice that a constant dripping sound is echoing from the house, then you need to investigate. Follow the noise to the leak’s location, and then see about getting it fully fixed up.

Then you can finally get back to having some real peace and quiet in your home, without the constant dripping plaguing you day and night!

Be Proactive With The Leaks

Finally, no matter how you find the leaks or how tricky they can be to repair, you need to make sure that you are being proactive. Don’t just put in a stopgap measure or choose to ignore the leaks because those leaks will turn into bigger problems that will cost you even more time and money.

Instead, do what you can to be proactive and solve the problem, and then you can get back to having pipes, drains, and faucets that work!


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