Drawing the Points of Perspectives | Three-Point Perspective

Three-Point Perspective  – From the perspective of academia – as students entering the world of architecture, we have to surrender ourselves to a whole new world of eccentricity. Walking through this maze, as interesting as it gets, we get to evolve through many journeys and discover a new self. These radical experiences in turn, shape our opinions and influence our perspectives in architecture. Within the first few months of being students, any of us can name all the shades and tints of primary colors from a color wheel. We would rather spend all our money being stuck on an endless loop of “stationery-buying”. Yes, we would like to collect 3 degrees of blades, 5 types of adhesives, 7 types of paper, 10 different nibs of drafting pens and inks, innumerable versatile markers, and not to forget, all sizes of sketchbooks which are too precious to be used – just in case. 

“Architecture is a language. When you are very good, you can be a poet”. – Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

Three-Point Perspective: The Impacts of Architecture in Our Lives - Sheet1
Architectural design Perspective_©www.instagram.com/yparch

Connecting Dots and Lines

Three-Point Perspective: The Impacts of Architecture in Our Lives - Sheet2
Architectural design Perspective_©Andreas Paehge

As we begin to climb more steps along the way, architecture continues to impact our lives more and more. These impacts depend on how our perspectives in architecture change and grow with time. One of the stumbling blocks that are hard to overcome is how exceptional and nit-picking an architect grows into. What is positively perfectionism to architects may come off as disturbingly flawsome to many. Not many friends understand why we stop on the way and gaze upon the skyscrapers or amazingly built cantilevers in front of us for minutes, or why we abruptly pause scenes in movies to view the large-span roof structures or sometimes eagerly start naming the types of historic columns on the screen. Besides, why would a person even get infuriated at a (comic sans) font?

A Closer View above the Horizon | Three-Point Perspective

Three-Point Perspective: The Impacts of Architecture in Our Lives - Sheet3
The Architecture of Light_©Serge Najjar

If we move on from the perspectives in architecture that academic and professional communities bring along, we will realize how architecture impacts our day-to-day life to such an extent that it is almost unthinkable to live in a world where it does not exist. The involvement and role of architects in the design and well-being of society should not be taken for granted. Without architecture, the world would be a chaotic composition with no rhythm or hierarchy, no balance or harmony.

“Realistically, the rest of the world just doesn’t see architecture as being as important as architects do”. – Anonymous

Every space designed around us – starting from our yard to the top of the skyscrapers is all connected to the architect’s thoughts to form a symbiotic dynamic between design and communities. As architecture recognizes societal needs and perceives humanity, it creates a better world through evolving passion and acceding vision. 

Architectural design Perspective_©SITELAB urban studio - ArchDaily
Architectural design Perspective_©SITELAB urban studio – ArchDaily

Our relationship with architecture is all-inclusive, it sustains our wellbeing and motivates our understanding, educates us, and evolves our conscience. The importance of architecture around us is often overlooked by people, unfortunately at times underestimated by architects when they are unable to comprehend its fundamental purposes. Looking beyond the definite purposes of what architecture is meant to serve, there are other contemplations and learnings on the way. Apart from the concerns as shelter, security, and function, what lies above the horizon is to discover something that sustains us in a spiritual and cultural way, nurtures us as a whole individual. 

“We will have to decide today whether we will design the future or resign ourselves to it.” – Hubert H. Humphre

Three Point Perspective_©www.pngkey.com
Three Point Perspective_©www.pngkey.com

If we comprehend perspectives in architecture from three points of view – academic, professional, and our everyday lives, it can be acknowledged that all three points are necessary to produce a clearer and closer look at the subject. The perspectives in architecture, as the lines from the three points for creating connections, continue to be drawn with every individual phase of life, and subsequently converge somewhere beyond the horizon. These perspectives are unique and grow exceptionally for each individual depending on their journey, and impact every life around them. 


  1. SCI-Arc Channel. (2017). Imagine A World Without Architecture. [YouTube video]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9c8FtVMxdaE [Accessed: 07/ 08/ 2021].
  2. Peter Buchanan. (2012). The Big Rethink Part 4: The Purposes of Architecture. [online]. Available at: https://www.architectural-review.com/archive/campaigns/the-big-rethink/the-big-rethink-part-4-the-purposes-of-architecture [Accessed 08 August 2021].

A final year student currently pursuing B.Arch. in Bangladesh. Her passions are intertwined with Art, Travel, Architecture, and Literature. She aspires to travel, learn, evolve with time and thereby bring something to light through journaling her journeys.