Architecture is everywhere because of its elemental constituent: space– that exists between you and me, between us and our neighbourhood. It is the space we dwell in. It encompasses the most fundamental aspects of life, such as colours, shapes, light, shadow, and nature. Although we may be “looking” at the same space, we act and comprehend spaces differently because of our social, ethnic, religious, and geographical influences.

It may appear at times that the template of elements and assumptions we form about a place, a structure, or architecture predates our perception. Some times, these views shift as a result of life experiences, and other times, they remain unexplored.

Impact of Architecture: The Variance in Perspectives - Sheet1
Starting the day with the alarm clock_©

The common impact

We may consider ourselves extroverted and ambitious at times, but how much of our life we spend indoors is astonishing. We are surrounded by shapes and colors from the sound of our alarm clock in the morning to our last thought on bed at night. Because they evoke emotions and feelings, shapes and colors already have a predetermined interpretation in

Impact of Architecture: The Variance in Perspectives - Sheet2
Colorful Playgroup schools_©

Have you ever wondered why playgroup schools are painted in bright colors and our homes are painted in light tones of yellow, blue…? rather than red or maroon? Cool colors like blue and violet are calming. Warm colors, such as red and orange, on the other hand, might evoke either rage or exhilaration.

Impact of Architecture: The Variance in Perspectives - Sheet3
Different shapes around us_©

Colors aren’t the only thing we have; we also have shapes. Organic shapes, such as leaf or flower prints, bring us closer to nature. Basic geometric shapes such as the circle, which denotes wholeness, and the upward triangle, which denotes power and direction. We are, after all, surrounded by these shapes and patterns. This has a considerable impact on our mood. It can both relax and excite us.

These are just a few of the unintentional effects that design can have on us individuals, but there are many more that are caused by who we are. Architects and designers, for example, may experience space differently than an ordinary passer-by.

Impact of Architecture: The Variance in Perspectives - Sheet4
Architects Perception_ ©Brendan Church on Unsplash

The Outlook of Architects and Designers

When compared to others, architects have a unique perspective, in that they not only interact with buildings daily but also have to construct them. We not only design space but also interact with it while learning from it. Designing a building necessitates a thorough understanding of the specific building type being developed; it also necessitates learning how to ask the proper questions about the various circumstances in which the building might be used, as well as addressing them! Thus, when looking at a space, whether it is a structure, an urban environment, or even a town, an architect will not only see it for what it is but will also try to figure out how it was built and how it tends to work. This is because architects and designers are trained differently when it comes to perceiving space, which allows us to notice subtle differences in physical or virtual boundaries.

To anticipate the effects of space on the user, architects must think differently than the general public. Because of the rationalized thinking used to conceptualize spaces, architecture alters one’s perception of space. Furthermore, it is not only about user perception, but also about being able to refine the functioning of a society to achieve greater efficiency. The complexity of the human environment, on the other hand, frequently prevents people from seeing the benefits of the built environment. As a result, people frequently find themselves in a state of constant refusal with an architect’s conviction. Nonetheless, criticism is always a part of the process of change.

The Conclusion

A simple conclusion is that when someone judges architecture, they are talking about how they perceive architecture rather than architecture itself. And as we go through life, we gain experiences that broaden our horizons. As a result, the impact of architecture on each of us will constantly change and evolve. But it is our responsibility as architects to carefully consider each proposal, location, client, and purpose before determining the different spaces we want to create. We must never forget that what we design contains space, and that these spaces have immense power. Architecture is one of the few professions that create such profound space, so we should seize the opportunity to gain a better understanding of the spatial qualities we are designing. Architects have the opportunity to reposition the value of our role in the process of conceptualizing, designing, and building an architectural object by doing so.

Impact of Architecture: The Variance in Perspectives - Sheet5
Demand and architecture will provide_©

We saw how architecture affects us psychologically and physically, as well as how it can improve our environment and make life easier. Architecture is essentially concerned about the future, and architects are trained to imagine the world as it could be rather than as it is. So it is simple: architects can deliver and meet your space needs if and only if you ask. Thus, “Demand and architecture will provide for you.”


Shirley is an architecture student with an interest in sustainable design. She believes that as designers we must not only wisely design for people, but also share our ideas, thoughts, and vision with the community to make the beautiful nuances of architecture accessible to all.