Harry Poulos Architects | Top Architecture Firms/ Architects in Brisbane
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing, Town planning
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial
Locations of Built Projects: Australia
Style of work: Dedicated to providing a quality detail-driven service, all the projects are purposeful, sensitive to the environment and cost-effective
Website: www.poulos.com.au
Hurley Architects Pty Ltd
Scope of services: Architecture, Master planning
Types of Built Projects: Residential
Locations of Built Projects: Brisbane
Style of work: Striving to deliver the most environmentally sensitive architectural designs for our clients
Website: www.hurleyarchitects.com.au
Ivan McDonald Architects
Scope of services: Architectural Conservation, Architecture
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality
Locations of Built Projects: Australia
Style of work: Provides special skills in the field of heritage architecture through skillful workers and observation to detail
Website: www.ivanmcdonaldarchitects.com.au
James Cubitt Architects Pty. Ltd
Scope of services: Architecture
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building
Locations of Built Projects: Across Globe
Style of work: Develops architecture equally of its place and time with careful consideration towards contextual responses both social and environmental
Website: www.cubitt.com.au
Jardine Architects PTY Ltd.
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional
Locations of Built Projects: Australia
Style of work: Implementing ecologically sustainable development through new ideas and technologies
Website: www.jardinearchitects.com.au
Kevin O’Brien Architects
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional
Locations of Built Projects: Brisbane
Style of work: Specializes in comprehensive architectural design and management services for projects of all sizes
Website: www.koarchitects.com.au
Kieron Gait Architects
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional
Locations of Built Projects: Australia
Style of work: To deliver exceptional designs that are personalized to suit the clients taste and are user friendly
Website: www.kierongait.com.au
Kin Architects pty ltd
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing, Restoration
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional
Locations of Built Projects: Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Scenic Rim, Toowoomba
Style of work: Experimental and Innovative styles.
Website: www.kinarchitects.com.au
Leffler Simes Pty Ltd
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional
Locations of Built Projects: Brisbane
Style of work: Projects define a clear and unique identity for our clients, whilst remaining mindful of budget and functionality without any limitations
Website: www.kinarchitects.com.au
Levesque And Derrick Architects
Scope of services: Architecture, Interior Designing, Master planning
Types of Built Projects: Residential, Commercial, Hospitality, Public Building, Institutional, Heritage Development
Locations of Built Projects: Brisbane, Sydney, Woolgoolga, Casuarina, Mount Isa, Townsville, Thursday Island, South East Queensland
Style of work: Works within the laws of environment, clients design imagination and budget limitations
Website: www.lada.com.au