CS Interior Design

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Project management
Website: csdesign.no/

Cecilie Fasmer Stang founded CS Interior Design AS, which has offices in Oslo and Bergen. They have extensive experience in interior design and project management, and they do projects in Norway and the United Kingdom.

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Eske Interiør og Design

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Vintage style
Website: www.eskeinterior.no/

He has completed several of the most well-known furniture projects in Norway’s cafe, pub, and restaurant industries over the course of more than 20 years. His inspiration frequently comes from Eske’s collection, but he also places a lot of emphasis on the usage of vintage and unusual items.

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FabLab Design AS

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: According to client’s requirements
Website: www.fablabdesign.com/

They build solutions that are practical, inspiring, and unique based on the demands of each customer. Strong strategic underpinnings, effective communication during the ideation process, and complete control over the building process are all requirements for design solutions.

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Ingrid Hegnar interiør og design AS

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Modern spaces
Website: ingridhegnar.no/

They been designing interiors for more than 20 years. They began their career working with styling for the IKEA catalogue in the corporate office, and then they joined the team that established new department stores. They have worked abroad, including in Spain, England, and Australia.

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Inne Design

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Sensibility and individuality in spaces
Website: www.innedesign.no/

Conceptual design is one of the many interior projects the company is working on. They examine consumer needs using the experience, sensibility, and passion. Then, each project is created with a focus on its distinct individuality.

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Interior Designer Tove Meldgaard AS

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Converting blank canvas into a personal spaces for the client
Website: meldgaard.no/

Another crucial occupation is interior designer. It matters more than most people realise to have a positive atmosphere and flow in a room when life is up and down. In their role as an interior designer, They strive to turn a frequently blank canvas into a personal haven for their clients. Additionally, They work with offices, outdoor areas, and canteens for businesses, where the idea is to have the design and colours reflect the business externally.

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Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Product designs
Website: www.birgittorkildsby.no/

They have vast expertise developing products and concepts as well as interior projects for both private clients and businesses. They have a degree in product design. Additionally, They’ve received training in consumer insights, patterns, and tendencies.

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Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Comfortable spaces
Website: katrinek.no/

Teamwork is interior architecture. A shared understanding of the desired outcome among all parties, including the customer, suppliers, and manufacturers, is the key to successful projects. They enjoy teamwork and am equally comfortable at a meeting table as they on a building site.

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Kitchen _©https://katrinek.no/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Townhouse-Frogner-Oslo-3132739_1-b.jpg


Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Lavish and high end spaces
Website: kreo.no/

The majority of businesses invest a lot of effort and money on developing their vision, values, and brand. To express who you are and what you aspire to be, this job is crucial. By using premises and design, Kreo establishes a link between what the company claims to be and how it appears.

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Kristin Jarmund Architects AS

Scope of services: Architecture, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Apartment, Villa, Office, House, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Oslo
Style of work: Modernism
Website: kj-a.no/

Established in 1985, Kristin Jarmund Architects has grown to become well-known in Norway’s architectural community. A number of accolades and first place finishes in both private and public tournaments attest to this.

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Azhar Khan is an in-house member of the RTF team. He handles multiple tasks of the marketing team and has great enthusiasm towards games and fitness. As a fun loving person, he is one of those people who brings life to any environment.