Oak + Arrow Interiors | Interior Designers in New Orleans

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Practical approach
Website: www.oakandarrowinteriors.com

Lacey Stalter, the company’s founder and lead designer, was exposed to a wide range of design trends and influences while growing up in New Orleans. Their parents worked in real estate development and sales, thus they had an early interest in layout and design.

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Living room_©www.oakandarrowinteriors.com/portfolio?pgid=kla77qpa-fc194501-7435-4219-97ae-43fabc7c5c38


Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Contemporary and avant garde aesthetics
Website: www.perch-home.com

Perch offers a wide range of forward-thinking home styles. Modern lines blend beautifully with antique and vintage objects, while 19th century pieces cohabit with avant-garde contemporary. Consider the aesthetic of New Orleans with a contemporary twist.


Perez, APC | Interior Designers in New Orleans

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Lavish spaces
Website: www.e-perez.com

Perez, APC is shaped by their experience and capability that comes with a long and successful history, as well as the resourcefulness and personal attention that their small business status provides.


Reed & Acanthus Interior Design

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Evoking a sense of life in the built environment
Website: www.reedacanthus.com

They at Reed & Acanthus understand their people’s lives are rich and varied, and that their homes are a true representation of their lives. As designers, their goal is to create places that truly represent their customers’ unique interactions with their environment while also evoking a sense of a life well lived.


Rivers Spencer Interior Design Office | Interior Designers in New Orleans

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Combination of classic and modern that is clean as well as timeless
Website: www.riversspencer.com

Rivers Spencer is a New Orleans-based interior designer, design influencer, and tastemaker who has been published nationally and regionally. Rivers combines elements of classic design paired with clean lines and modern details to produce a point of view that is both fresh and timeless, with a nod to her Southern origins.


Robert Biery & Son Architecture and Interior Design

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Context based
Website: www.robertbieryarchitects.com

Robert Biery & Son is a design studio that has won numerous awards. Their partners have a diverse practice that includes work in residential, hospitality, commercial, and institutional settings. They’ve worked all around the United States and in the Caribbean.

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Shop of the Two Sisters/LEE ALI Interiors

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Timeless designs
Website: www.leealiinteriors.com

Interior design has always appealed to them as an adventure and a joint effort between the designer and their client. Their goal is to produce timeless design with an emphasis on originality, function, and continuity, whether the project is a primary residence, a second home across the nation, or a commercial site.

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Living room_©http://leealiinteriors.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Exposition-Blvd-Townhouse.jpg

Shotgun Design Group

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Uniqueness and inidivduality
Website: www.shotgundg.com

They a native New Orleanian with a typical New Orleans upbringing. They grew up in Metairie, graduated as a Ragdoll from Mount Carmel Academy, and they spent two years at Loyola University studying Studio Arts.

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Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Sustainability and technological innovation
Website: www.sizeler.com

Sizeler Thompson Brown Architects has been designing places that encourage work, play, healing, and learning for decades. They are continually looking for ways to better their world via inspired, purposeful design because they are committed to sustainability and technology innovation.

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Interior design_©https://sizeler.com/media/projects/_667x800_crop_center-center/St-Tammany-Coroner-02.jpg

Sunday Shop | Interior Designers in New Orleans

Scope of services: Interior design, Residential, Commercial
Types of Built Projects: House, Office, Villa
Locations of Built Projects: New Orleans
Style of work: Practical approach
Website www.sundayshop.co

Their to-do lists and demand lists are no longer hanging over their heads. There will be no rushed lunches or meeting agendas, as there will be no commutes or carpools. There is no commotion. Instead, there’s a sense of peace.

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Azhar Khan is an in-house member of the RTF team. He handles multiple tasks of the marketing team and has great enthusiasm towards games and fitness. As a fun loving person, he is one of those people who brings life to any environment.