CEI Hawaii | Interior Designer in Honolulu

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design, Education, Healthcare
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant, School, Hospital
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Innovative, holistic
Website: www.ceihawaii.com/

For more than 25 years, Corporate Environments International (“CEI”) has served the state of Hawaii and the Pacific Rim as a full-service commercial-contract furniture dealership and an expert in modular interior wall construction.

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Design Create Space

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Integrated architectural
Website: www.designcreatespace.com/

They are a boutique firm established in Hawaii with a global reputation for designing remarkable settings and dwellings. They specialize at providing integrated architectural and interior design that takes into account all aspects of arrival, living, and enjoyment.

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Design Dimensions HI, Inc.

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Comfort in spaces
Website: www.designdimensionshi.com

They are a boutique firm established in Hawaii with a global reputation for designing remarkable settings and dwellings. They specialize at providing integrated architectural and interior design that takes into account all aspects of arrival, living, and enjoyment.

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Details International

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Modern
Website: details-international.com

Details International is an interior design firm that provides a broad range of services. They feel that treating their clients honestly has contributed to their 30-year success.

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Dream Closets Hawaii | Interior Designer in Honolulu

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Unique
Website: www.dreamclosetshawaii.com/

Dream Closets Hawaii has been a family-owned and operated business since 2005, specializing in custom closets, laundry facilities, work spaces, garages, and pantry systems.

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Hawaii Modern Architecture & Interior Design

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Client-focused approach
Website: hawaiimoderninteriordesign.com/

They feel that interior design and architecture are closely related. Their practise focuses on working with the architect and contractor of your choice, or they can provide complete architectural services from design to completion.

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Infinium Interiors Inc.

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design, Healthcare, Education
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant, School
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Modern
Website: www.infinium-interiors.com/

Infinium Interiors is a veteran-owned and minority-owned small business that specialises in office furniture, space planning, and interior design. They work with corporations, education, healthcare, non-profits, and government agencies.

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InForm Design Inc.

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design, Landscape
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Landscape
Website: www.ifdesigninc.com/

InForm Design is a multi-award-winning architectural and interior design firm that offers a variety of services to its clients. Their goal is to make people’s lives better by delivering exceptional architecture, interior design, service, and communication.

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Jamie Jackson Design

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Remodelling and transformation
Website: jamiejacksondesign.com/

Jamie has worked with architects and contractors in the Hawaiian Islands for many years. This background enhances her capacity to assist you from the planning stages to the actual move-in, allowing you to realize your dream of building or modifying your house.

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Lifestyle Design Studio | Interior Designer in Honolulu

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Honolulu
Style of work: Unique, Original
Website: www.lifestyledesignstudioinc.com/

On the Hawaiian islands and around the Pacific Rim, Lifestyle Design Studio develops extraordinary kitchens and living spaces for luxury houses. Their design and project remodeling team, led by Roxanne Okazaki, CKD, is dedicated to making every room, big or little, a one-of-a-kind original that exceeds your highest aspirations.

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Sayeda Rahila is a member of the in-house team at RTF. Having a deep knowledge of various languages and communication, she handles the publishing and communication of various articles and projects in multiple languages. She is a warm hearted person who makes any environment lively.