Ferguson-Phillips Homeware

Scope of services: Furniture Plan, Remodeling, New Construction
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Modern
Website: www.fergusonphillips.com/

They offer a carefully curated range of furniture, furnishings, artwork, bedding, lighting, and presents. Their design team is eager to work with you to create a comfortable atmosphere in your house.

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Fowler Woodworking

Scope of services: Furniture, Custom Kitchen Cabinets, Remodels, Custom Cabinets, Woodworking, Design
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Modern and contemporary
Website: www.fowlerwoodworking.com/

They’ve always been woodworkers and makers of stuff, but it wasn’t until 1984 that he decided to make it a career. He graduated from upstate New York in the same year with a bachelor’s degree in furniture design and construction.

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Hardt Studio Interior Design

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Modern
Website: hardtstudio.com/

Hardt Studio was founded in 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic. They began to observe the repercussions of years of neglecting our living conditions with the imposition of a lockdown.

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Impressive Properties Design & Staging – Wichita Interior Designer & Home Staging

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Unique
Website: www.impressiveproperties.net/

Its mission is to turn every space into an Impressive Property that is tailored to the client’s personality and lifestyle while providing personal, pleasant, and high-quality service throughout the process.

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Kitchens Wow Inc.

Scope of services: Design time, Custom Cabinetry, Decorative tile, Countertops, Flooring
Lighting, Plumbing, Surface hardware, Construction services
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Unique
Website: www.kitchenswowinc.com/

They are a family business specializing in developing spaces in your house that reflect your personality. They specialize in kitchens and bathrooms, but they can design a unique space for any room.

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Lochwood Design

Scope of services: Vision Casting, Space Planning, Color Consult, Lighting Design, Room Makeovers, Renovation Design And Drawings, New Construction
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: As per client requirement
Website: www.lochwooddesign.com/

Lochwood Design provides a wide range of interior design services, resulting in thoughtful and innovative solutions. They collaborate with you to develop a vision for your space and serve as your champion throughout the construction process, ensuring that you are satisfied with the final product.

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LoveLee Homes

Scope of services: Home Staging Consultation, Interior Design Consultation, Vacant Home Staging, New Build, Remodel, Redesign
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: As per client requirement
Website: www.loveleehomes.com/

Trisha controls LoveLee Homes’ brains and operations. In 2014, she began her home staging career by assisting a neighbour is getting her home ready to market. Fast forward five years, and she’s staged approximately $10 million in real estate in just the last six months.

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Megan McGraw Interior Design

Scope of services: Design Agreement and Retainer, Site Documentation, Design Development and Sourcing, Presentation, Ordering, Project Management
Types of Built Projects: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Unique spaces
Website: www.mcgrawdesign.com

Megan McGraw is a leading home interior designer in Wichita. She is an award-winning interior designer specializing in designing one-of-a-kind spaces that reflect her customer’s unique personalities.

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Nelson Designs

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Family House, Villa, Apartment, Office, Hotel, Restaurant
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: As per client requirement
Website: www.nelsondesignsllc.net/

Their team will work hard to deliver solutions for the most challenging to decorate rooms, with more than 50 years of combined expertise. Vernon and Sharon, along with their son Danny, founded the company over 14 years ago, and it has now grown to a 5100 square foot showroom.

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Nies Homes Inc

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Kitchens, Living Room, Exteriors, Master Suites, Lower Level, Extras
Locations of Built Projects: Wichita
Style of work: Innovative
Website: www.nieshomes.com/

Your home is constructed more brilliant from the beginning to the end, with innovative, money-saving energy efficiency effortlessly integrated.

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Sayeda Rahila is a member of the in-house team at RTF. Having a deep knowledge of various languages and communication, she handles the publishing and communication of various articles and projects in multiple languages. She is a warm hearted person who makes any environment lively.