It would not be wrong to say that an architect learns throughout his life.

From the day we enter University till the day we move onto undertaking a new journey of life, our curiosity to acquire knowledge never stops. We not only learn about different facets of design but also develop a handful of interpersonal skills. Our tangible learnings range from experiencing the built environment and appreciating the nature’s beauty to the theory that subjects like structure, construction technology, and human anthropometry offer. We not only understand the principles of architecture as put forward by various renowned architects but also develop concepts of design specific to our views and beliefs. We, as individuals, broaden our thought process and learn to acknowledge the intangible around us while pursuing architecture.

What is Architecture?An Encounter with Learnings - Sheet1

In our initial days, the only thing that we know about this field is that it concerns buildings. We are clueless about the details and the various aspects that go into making a building. For instance, we certainly do not know the difference between cement and concrete or between superstructure and substructure. We learn all this and a lot many other things during these five years at college. We learn about the technicalities as well as about the little things that help beautify spaces. We learn to add functions to space and also how it is a lot more than a combination of four walls and a couple of openings. We realize that architecture is all about the user. Whether it is a human or an animal, the designed space always needs to be according to the user. With time we also start focussing on the intangible facets of a built form, with light, darkness, shadows, volumes becoming our tools in painting on the canvas of architecture.

One of the primary learnings for every architecture student is that designing is an art of our hands, and our mind and software are just means of presenting our thoughts legibly and creatively. Courses like basic design and architectural graphics help shape ourselves accordingly and act as stepping stones for students in the realm of design. We learn techniques of all sorts to put our thoughts on paper. We explore different mediums of colors, themes, and boards to figure out the various styles, which suit our requirements the best. We also put in a considerable amount of time in developing that one method specific to us for the rest of the journey that lies ahead. Irrespective of this, software forms an essential part of an architecture student’s life. One cannot neglect the fact that AutoCAD, Photoshop, and Sketchup have made our lives easier and a lot more convenient. These skills not only help us enhance our designs, but they also put us in a better position in the professional field. 

A10358-What is Architecture An Encounter with Learnings

The variety in the disciplines that we study during the course also has a vital role to play. One cannot imagine studying photography, landscape design, pottery, set design, economics, within the umbrella of one course. However, architecture enables a student to traverse these different paths within a limited period. We discover new interests and develop skills that we otherwise would never have. The diversity in our areas of study encourages us to have a broader approach to problems and situations. Our learnings help us maneuver through life and are not restricted just to our field. For instance, we act more responsibly towards the environment and become sensitive towards trees and green in general. Sustainable is no longer a word for us, and green building is way more than a fancy concept to woo the clients. We start believing that as architects, we hold power to improve this world and bridge the gaps between people. We go beyond the brick and the concrete and aim to conceive unforgettable experiences. 

Architecture shapes our personality, builds our confidence, and lends a voice to our thoughts. We grow patient and develop the spirit of oneness. We learn to work in teams and find criticism to be healthy. We no longer stress about grades, and quality becomes our priority. We improve our time management skills, and by the time we graduate, we also devise our multitasking abilities. This course imparts knowledge that one would not find in a book. It does not emphasize on how to construct a wall but focusses more on what one brick could do to that wall and how one wall could change a space. It crosses our path with people who make us count our life in experiences and not days. Talking to them and listening to their life stories help us evolve as individuals with an urge to travel the world and live those adventures. The world map is no longer a piece of paper for us divided into different countries but a palette of vibrant cultures, dialects, and history unavailable in any library. 


Payushi is a final year architecture student from Ahmedabad who believes that architecture is an expression of celebration, individuality, and uniqueness. She is interested in minimalism, fascinated by history, inspired by photography, and aims at exploring the world, one city at a time.