Architecture is a very vast and creative field which can be explored and created at the same time. So anyone who is an architect and wants to be one must be creative and clear with thoughts and ideas. Should be able to explain and have the power of expression. Expressing one’s views and ideas is one of the most important aspects of architecture.

10 tips for Architecture graduates building a career in Teaching
Image Sources: The First Takshila lecture on Architecture and Society was delivered by Prof Neelkanth Chhaya on August 14, 2018 ©

 1. Clear conception about the subject

The most important tip for the graduates who is interested in building a Career in teaching that they should have a clear and detailed idea about all the subjects. Especially the particular they will be asked to teach or take classes for.

2. Keeping up to date with the topics

Architecture is course where every day new and innovative ideas come up globally. So it’s very necessary to be up to date with all the new methods, materials and technologies which will be very helpful delivering lectures and explaining designs and theories.

3. Day to day life example / Not going critical

Explaining designs or theories using easy examples without trying to be critical is very important. Because day to day life examples will make the students remember easily and without any complications.

4. Clear Basic Concepts

Clearing basic concepts of architecture is one of the first task that should be done for anyone interested to come to teaching. Because if the basic concept are not clear then explaining and making the students understand will be a difficult job and eventually will affect their morale.

5. Convincing power

In architecture having the power to convince is one of the most necessary things any architect should possess. And when it comes to teaching convincing power plays one of the crucial part between the teacher and the students which eventually affects the students academically.

6. Be Presentable

Be presentable, be clear with your thoughts. Presenting yourself in front of the students while delivering lectures and explaining designs is very important because it creates an impact which lets the students connect with you. And it will help in growing the student teacher relationship.

7. Lucid language

Lucid and clear language helps in the easy interaction with the students and the students in turn feels comfortable to understand the topics. It helps them connect to the language and as a whole to the subjects which is being explained.

8. Friendly attitude

Being friendly with the students is one of the most important and crucial aspect of being anyone who is interested to be in teaching. Because being strict and tough will not help instead it will full back the students to talk to and they will avoid any kind of interaction which finally will hamper their academics. So having a friendly attitude will help you come close to the students and they will respect you back.

9. Be approachable

Students always feel comfortable and easy to clear doubts and problems to the teachers they feel they can approach without any fear. So, be approachable and it will help you to interact with the students and eventually the relationship of student and teacher will grow.

10. Being patient

Anyone who is interested or thought of coming to teaching should learn how to be patient and interact with the students. Because loosing temper will create unnecessary gap with them and being patient will help you understand the students better and they will also have a comfort level to have any kind of discussion with you.


Ar. Barsha Kunda , An Architect from Guwahati, Assam has done her Masters in URBAN DESIGN from Sushant School of Art and Architecture. Currently working as an Assistant Professor at Guwahati College of Architecture and Planning. Her interests other than architecture includes Quantum Physics, Ancient Civilizations and Poetry.