98 Results



Facades of buildings play a crucial role in the overall aesthetics and functionality of a structure. In today’s society, where appearances matter, a building’s facade can make a powerful statement.…

Rethink, Relearn, Redefine, Revive, Rediscover, Realign, Readapt, Reconnect, Retransform, Recreate, Regenerate _____:  these are a few of the “REs” that are fundamental principles to reshape our built environments. These principles…

Design Philosophy  The conscious attempt to heal the loss of ecosystems, and craft a home in the ecosystem that is expressive of emerging ecological ethics and value.The attempt to dignify…

Our planet boasts an exceptional diversity of landscapes, but a few thrust the boundaries of what life can persevere. These extreme situations are characterized by burning deserts, bone-chilling tundra, smashing ocean depths, or the unforgiving vacuum of space, which challenge every perspective of human existence. Understanding how to…