Everyone talks about a term that works with the futuristic approach in terms of economic, physical, and emotional sense altogether- sustainability. Everywhere when we discuss something related to the Earth and what are the ways to make it a better place to live in.

What is sustainability?

An approach to development known as sustainable development seeks to strike a balance between various needs and an understanding of the social, political, and economic constraints that our society is subject to. Without jeopardizing Earth’s life support system or leaving anyone behind, sustainability focuses on preserving the environment, reversing climate change, and fostering social growth. With this idea, we can meet our immediate demands without sacrificing resources for future generations.

Understanding sustainability’s need for long-term planning is essential for facilitating varied donor engagement and enhancing the institutional capability of the intended audience. Planning for sustainability is a crucial step for organizations because it gets them ready to produce results even without the main source of income.

Why is sustainability so important?

We are all likely to run out of resources like fossil fuels, ruin the environment for living species, and cause the atmosphere irreversible harm if destructive non-sustainable behaviours are in use. Sadly, some of these negative repercussions are already manifesting. However, changes can still be made for your generation’s future and future generations. Sustainability affects us on three main parameters:

  1. Environmental– Sustainability reflects the idea that the natural world and the environment are not endless sources of resources but rather need to be protected and used wisely. Environmental sustainability is achieved by various factors, including environmental protection, a dedication to renewable energy, water conservation, encouraging mobility, sustainable fashion, innovation in building, and sustainable design. Actions we can take in our daily lives are connected to the choices we make for our entire lives.
  2. Social– To achieve acceptable levels of quality of life, healthcare, and education, sustainability seeks cohesiveness across communities and cultures while promoting social progress. Another factor that will influence social sustainability initiatives in the years to come is the fight for gender equality.
  3. Economical– It caters to generating fair prosperity for all while protecting the environment. The idea of holistic development in terms of growth is necessary to promote sustainable development.
How to work with sustainability in the real world - Sheet1
how does sustainability work_©Source University of Maine

Can everyone practice sustainability?

Everyone can contribute and make this world a better place just by doing little things. Here are a few ways that you can incorporate in your daily life to live a more sustainable life:

Although the term “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” sounds mundane, it still holds importance even today. Every item we buy has an environmental effect, whether it is due to the resources used to make it, the final product, or the packaging that ends up in landfills. So consider whether you need it before making a purchase. If so, think about buying gently used as opposed to brand-new, and search for minimal shipping and packaging.

How to work with sustainability in the real world - Sheet2

Plastic is here to stay. Today, swirling convergences that makeup roughly 40% of the ocean’s surface are home to billions of pounds of plastic. Numerous marine creatures and birds are killed each year as a result of ingesting plastic or being entangled in it. A few easy methods will help you start reducing your plastic waste: 

Use reusable bags when you go shopping, do away with single-use water bottles, bags, and straws, and if possible, steer clear of goods manufactured of or packaged in plastic (e.g., select unwrapped produce at the grocery store, shop local, cut down on online shopping).

How to work with sustainability in the real world - Sheet3
Reusuable bag _©etsy

Be water-savvy. Avoid buying bottled water. Even though the water from your faucet is essentially free and much city water has triumphed in quality testing and taste tests versus name-brand water, bottled water firms attempt to discredit tap water. Additionally, it is well known that the creation of plastic bottles and the extraction of water affect both humans and wildlife. The nation’s water resources are under increasing pressure from our expanding  population, and we frequently have severe droughts, therefore water conservation is essential.

How to work with sustainability in the real world - Sheet4
Think before you drink_©Source_ ourgoodbrands

Your carbon footprint can be significantly reduced by altering your driving style. Whenever possible, commute by foot, bicycle, carpool, or public transportation. Make fewer journeys by combining your errands. Participate in car-free days in your neighborhood or organize one yourself. Additionally, it’s critical to maintain the health of your vehicle with frequent tune-ups and tire inflations.

Get a compost bin rather than simply throwing away your food scraps. You can utilize food waste to create compost or fertilizer if you enjoy hands-on DIY projects and have a garden at home.

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Compost Bin _ ©Bob Vila


It’s often true in life that “less is more.” We can all have an impact on society and contribute to the solution of climate catastrophe by making more responsible decisions. Let’s make wise decisions to increase the sustainability of our society.

As consumers’ awareness of environmental issues grows, more firms are looking for ways to lessen their negative effects on the environment and their local communities. Companies can promote their social contributions through sustainability policies and yet draw in customers.

Sustainability _ ©Source: vectezzy
  1. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Real-world learning opportunities in sustainability: from the classroom into the real world. [online] Available at: < https://www.albany.edu/gogreen/files/documents/faculty%20forum/Brundiers.pdf>
  2. Youtube. Acciona. What is sustainability? | ACCIONA. [online] Available at: <
  3. The Futures Project. How to Achieve Sustainability – The Transformative Approach. [online] Available at: <https://tfp-global.org/how-to-achieve-sustainability-the-transformative-approach/>
  4. UN Environment Program. Why do Sustainable Development Goals matter? [online] Available at: <https://www.unep.org/explore-topics/sustainable-development-goals/why-do-sustainable-development-goals-matter>
  5. 4circularity. Can everyone afford a sustainable lifestyle? [online] Available at: < https://4circularity.com/can-everyone-afford-sustainable-lifestyle/>

Reetika is an aspiring architect who is inquisitive about stories behind all works of art. She enjoys telling those stories and adding her own spin to them. She strives to write and communicate herself in a way that is informative, simple to read and comprehend for anyone and everyone.