A wide range of architectural styles can be seen in Copenhagen, Denmark, from the early 17th century landmarks built by Christian IV to the opulent mansions and palaces of Frederiksstaden in the 17th century to the late 19th century residential boroughs and cultural institutions to the modernist buildings of the 20th century like Arne Jacobsen’s National Bank and SAS Royal Hotel.

Re-thinking The Future is a global platform for architecture and design. RTF along with our authors has curated a list of top interior designing firms in various cities across the globe. Please note that the names are arranged in alphabetical order and are not ranked in any manner.


Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Contemporary
Website: www.boconcept.com/

BoConcept, a luxury retail lifestyle brand with nearly 300 outlets across more than 60 countries, was founded in Denmark in 1952.

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Living Room Interior Design _©https://images.demandware.net/dw/image/v2/BBBV_PRD/on/demandware.static/-/Sites-master-catalog/default/dwe466348a/images/productsets/1685513.jpg?sw=2000


Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office,
Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Unique
Website: boform.dk/

Since 1979, Boform’s dedicated carpenters have created architect-designed furnishings for the entire home. Luxurious joinery details combined with materials such as natural stone, precious metals, oak, lacquer and beautiful veneers are the essence of Boform’s understated elegance.

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Bedroom Interior Design _©https://boform.dk/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Boform_vedb%C3%A6k_0027-1-scaled-e1590662390405.jpg

Interior designer Niels Rejnhold

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Renovation
Website: nielsrejnhold.dk/

For them, interior design is about letting your personality shine through, so that you get a home that gives you joy and energy. That is why his work always starts from the things and furniture you already have. 

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Residential Interior Design _©https://nielsrejnhold.dk/wp-content/themes/yootheme/cache/stue_Slider-99c5464a.jpeg

Louise Find Living

Scope of services: Architectural, Residential, Commercial, Interior Design
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Uniqueness and creativity
Website: www.louisefindliving.com

At Louise Find Living they specialize in creating unique custom interior solutions for their customers. With love from Paris they are inspired by the Parisian Haussmann lifestyle and aim to capture the feeling of beautiful surroundings. 

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Residential Interior Design _©https://static.wixstatic.com/media/1a8a92_a6f35333a9da4be385f2570ebc8c2a98~mv2_d_2560_2560_s_4_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_304,h_432,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/C_L_3.jpg

OEO Studio

Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Classic
Website: www.oeostudio.com

OEO Studio is a Copenhagen-based interdisciplinary design studio founded in 2003, and with a project office in central Tokyo, Japan. We work in the fields of product design, residential architecture, hospitality, commercial interiors, creative direction and design strategy.

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Residential Interior Design _©https://cdn.sanity.io/images/d7200c9y/production/c876241f6ced52ea28cc9080394b4efe7d55cd5e-6480×4320.jpg?w=700&h=467&fit=crop&fm=webp


Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: As per client requirement
Website: www.rum4.dk/

RUM4 is an interior design, design and architecture  studio. They offer solutions for construction, interior design and design – including custom-made interiors, furniture and kitchens Based on your needs, wishes and finances, we create functional, well-thought-out and optimal furnishings and floor plans for the individual room or the entire home.

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Commercial Interior Design _©https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/54ff2e34e4b0170225c0f2f0/1496671653169-421F0UGUOSEV943M6TUR/RUM4_4302.JPG?format=1500w


Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: According to client’s needs
Website: www.sqr.dk/

SQR supplies interior design and design solutions to both private and business customers, and is run by Søren Thyregod Kjøller. Søren is the main force behind SQR.

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Residential Interior Design _©https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/588219afe6f2e1da63da7bf5/1485021252814-4HXE9O17C1F2T9B54OV3/signifly-m%C3%B8delokale.jpg?format=2500w

Stay Project

Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Tailor made
Website: stayproject.dk/

The cornerstone of the Stay Project is the desire for a storage solution that makes optimal use of the space. They specialize in seeing the possibilities in every home, and can tailor a solution that fits the specific home and needs.

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Bedroom Interior Design _©https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/52377c06e4b035a206c0c64c/1642158492263-QYOLPWRFIYEET4J8MLWC/image-asset.jpeg?format=1000w

Unika Interior

Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Modern
Website: www.unikainterior.com/

They are an online interior design service different from the others. Their mission is to help you discover your deco style and create your perfect room or home,within the budget that you choose.

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Living Room Interior Design _©https://www.unikainterior.com/our-projects?pgid=kqb1b8hl-f48c41ce-625a-4301-92c2-c75564927e22

Wise Interior

Scope of services: Residential Architecture, Hospitality, Commercial Interiors, Creative Direction And Design Strategy
Types of Built Projects: Bedroom, Living room, Bathroom, Kitchen, Common space, Office, Drawing Room, Dressing Room
Locations of Built Projects: Copenhagen
Style of work: Stylish spaces that are your personal oasis
Website: wiseinterior.dk/

Wise Interior tailors interior design solutions in consultation with you and fulfills your home dreams. They turn your home into a stylish and personal oasis where you can feel at home.

Interior design Odense _©https://wiseinterior.dk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/IMG_1921.jpg



Sayeda Rahila is a member of the in-house team at RTF. Having a deep knowledge of various languages and communication, she handles the publishing and communication of various articles and projects in multiple languages. She is a warm hearted person who makes any environment lively.