Of course, Ukraine is not so close to Antarctica, as there is not only “snow and snow” between them, as the poet once said, but also a pair of continents, many states, the ocean, several seas and almost all time zones that exist on the planet – but this, however, does not mean that Ukrainians have absolutely nothing to do with the ice continent. It is clear that no Ukrainian can have absolutely no territorial claims to this continent, where only penguins feel good, so the interest of the young Ukrainian architect Arthur Kupreichuk to Antarctica can be called purely academic – nevertheless, it is not the messages, but the result that are important , Which in this case was the project of a station intended for the exploration of Antarctica , Which he co-authored with Henry McKenzie at the Institute of Architecture in Dessau.

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The severe climate on the mainland is absolutely not conducive to carrying out not only scientific research, but in general any activities related to normal life activity – in winter the temperature often drops to minus seventy, and the wind speed reaches 300 kilometers per hour – therefore, in order for a person to normally feel Himself in these almost apocalyptic conditions, he must borrow the experience of survival from the same penguins .

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So there is nothing surprising in that the project of the new station is based on observing the behavior of these birds, which at low temperatures are pressed hard against each other, forming a living conglomerate , Able to minimize the effect of wind and save the necessary heat for life: the station is nothing more than the grouping of modular blocks, each of which is characterized by increased stability and streamlining, and the high density of their location allows you to move between them and share energy resources.

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Each of them is designed for two or more people, but, of course, it seems most appropriate to limit the population of each module to a pair of researchers, since two people make up the company, and three are not – at least the British are firmly convinced of this. And the high density of their location allows you to move between them and share energy resources.

Each of them is designed for two or more people, but, of course, it seems most appropriate to limit the population of each module to a pair of researchers, because two people make up the company, and three are not – at least the British are firmly convinced of this. And the high density of their location allows you to move between them and share energy resources. Each of them is designed for two or more people, but, of course, it seems most appropriate to limit the population of each module to a pair of researchers, since two people make up the company, and three are not – at least the British are firmly convinced of this.


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