The Dnieper is wonderful not only in quiet weather, as the once-great writer claimed, but with any other, as well as any authentic Ukrainian landscape – it’s a pity that there are very few authentic ones left for a number of reasons. It is about how you can try to revive it, tell us one of the most iconic Ukrainian architects of our time, Oleg and Liliya Ukraine.

Authentic Ukrainian Landscape The Difficulties Of Revival - sheet1

We are fighting, so to speak, with the dominance of foreign architecture in our region, and we are preaching a somewhat retrospective look at Ukrainian folk architecture, drawing ideas from the archetype of a simple hut in its various modifications, not disdaining Ukrainian Mazepin’s fate, trying to resist it Tastelessness that surrounds us all. And what’s more, we want our region to be attractive for tourists, since a foreigner who visits us does not see an authentic Ukrainian landscape. Therefore, we are trying to instill in our customers what we call architectural taste – true, this does not always work, but we are moving forward, with the example of our architectural objects we are talking about modern architecture, But we are trying to pass it through the prism of the archetype of architecture is Ukrainian, while also showing interest in modern trends. Perhaps you will argue with us, perhaps you will like something, but we have chosen a path of development that coincides with our name, and we have nothing to do but preach nationalism in architecture…

Further, look here…


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